Medicine case

Hello all , I’m an intern and here is a case history of  one of our patients who got admitted .
This is to complete my log book as a part of my internship duty. 

Edit:I was not there in the op so i collected the hirtory part from my co- intern and i had to type the discharge letter so i added extra points about the examination and investigations part . So we both helped each other. 

A 47 year old female presented to OPD with complaints of 
Difficulty in breathing since 10 days not aggravated or relieved with positional or diurnal variation 
palpitations since 10 days  which were short lasting
Bilateral pitting type of edema of lower extremities  since 10 days 
No h/o pain or warmth at the local sites of edema , no color change
No h/o facial puffiness or abdominal distention.

Bp :   130/90 mmhg
Pulse: 88 bpm
Temp: afebrile

She is a known hypertensive pt since 20 years .she is on medication tab . Telmisartan 20mg daily

H/o filariasis in rt lower limb since 15 years and is using medication DEC 100 mg for 2 weeks in a year.
 Pt was c/c 
Temperature:96.5 F
Bp:130/90mm Hg
Pulse:84 bpm
Spo2: 99%
CVS: S1 S2 heard
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: normal vesicular breath sounds
P/A: shape of the abdomen: obese
        No free fluid ,scars ,sinuses
        Hernial orifices normal
         No tenderness 
          Liver is palpable 2-3 cms
         Spleen is palpable- 4 cms
          Bowel sounds present
 CNS: HMF intact
           Speech normalk
           Sensory system normal 
            Motor system normal

 Hemogram:    On presentation she had hb-4.5 gm/dl .After 1 st blood transfusion          On12/05/20 hb:6.2 gm/dl
                    Total count:14,200 cells/cumm
                     Pcv:18.3 vol
                      Rbc:1.96 millions/cumm
                       Platelet: 1.01 lakhs/cumm
After 2 ndblood tranfusion
    On 15/05/20 hb: 9gm/dl
                      Pcv:28.6 vol%
                       Rdw-cv 19.5% 
Serum iron- 40ug/dl
Serum ferritin- 109ng/ml
 Rft: urea- 10mg/dl
Lft:Total bilirubin-1.28mg/dl
       Direct bilirubin-0.52mg/dl
         Alkaline phosphate- 118IU/L
         Total proteins - 5.7gm/dl
RBC:hypochromic with anisopoikilocytosis comprising 
normocytes ,macrocytes ,tear drop cells,Schistocytes
,polychromasia and nucleated rbcs 2-3 / 100 wbc 
WBC: normal count with hypersegmented neutrophils and mild shift to left
Platelets: adequate
No parasites
Impression: normocytic hypochromic anemia with 
hypersegmented neutrophils
             -? Megaloblastic anemia
              -? Hemolytic anemia
Osmotic fragility-lysis starts at 0.45%
                              Completes at 0.33%
Stool culture: no pus cells,no rbcs, no parasitic forms of ova / cyst seen
Stool for occult blood: positive
USG abdomen-splenomegaly
                          Fibroid uterus 
                          Right hydrosalpinx
2d echo: mild dilated R.A/ R.V 

PROCEDURE LEARNT: BONE MARROW ASPIRATION ( site- sternum) done on 13/05/20

First consent was taken from the patient. Then the patient was given a test dose of xylocaine. After half and hour at the level of 2 nd intercoastal space 10ml xylocaine was 
given then marrow was aspirated .

  Report: reactive marrow with erythroid 


      ?megaloblastic anemia
       ?hemolytic anemia


Planned for 2 prbc blood transfusion
Inj. Vitcofol 2cc/im/od (D 3/5)
T.livogen  150mg/po/od for 1 month
Inj methylcobalamine  1 amp/im/od 500 mcg for 5 days (D1/5)
Inj. Hydroxocobalamin 1000 mcg for 3 days. Followed with weekly once for 1 month. Later on monthly once for 2 months
T. MVT po od for 1 week



Rupture of aneursyms( most common)
Av malformations
Intracranial arterial dissections
Amyloid angiopathy
 Bleeding diathesis
Drug use( cocaine and amphetamines)
Clinical features: 
Sudden severe headche (thunderclap headache) described as the “worst headache of my life”
Headache associated with loss of consciousness , seizure, nausea and vomiting

Investigations :

1)Plain ct head: clot demonstrated within 24 hours of the bleed

2)Lumber puncture: elevated opening pressure and a uniformly blood stained CSF . Xanthrochromia represents hb degradation products suggestive of SAH

3)Angiogram: nature and location of lesion

4)CT or angiography

 1 )admit in icu
2)bed rest ,stool softeners,adequate analgesia
3)DVT prophylaxis
4)discontinue all anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents
5)reduction of intracranial pressure- head end elevation, mannitol,loop diuretics, use of iv steroids(dexamethasone)
6)reduction of bp- labetalol infusion
7)prevetion of vasospasm- nimodipine 
8)seizure prophylaxis
9)treatment of aneurysm and av malformations: placement of a clip across the neck of aneurysm or endovascular techniques with coil placement





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